The 11+ ISEB Pre-Test | Common Entrance Tutor
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11+ Entry Assessments

The 11+ ISEB Pre-Test is an online, adaptive test used by a very large number of senior school.  It is overseen by the ISEB, and written by Century Tech.  It includes assessments in English, Maths, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning.  It tends to be taken at a child's current school (often in October/November of year six) and the results are made available to all senior schools for which a child is registered. It is a way for senior schools to assess and identify successful candidates, thereby minimising the risk of anything going wrong at 13+.  Some schools make unconditional offers based on these scores; for many others the test is just one part of the process, and they set their own "second round" assessments.  I have extensive experience preparing pupils both for the ISEB test and also for school-specific second round assessments and interviews.

You can find more information about the ISEB Pre-Test on this page, along with some useful preparation tips here.

A couple of good online learning platforms include Atom Learning and Bond Online Premium.

Please do get in touch with me if you feel I may be able to help.

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