Useful Website Links
Below you will find various web links that may be of use. This is not an exhaustive list so please get in touch if you would like additional pointers.
13+ Common Entrance and scholarship preparation. A large number of useful links on this page.
11+ Pre-Tests. Useful tips and website links on this page.
The Independent Schools Examinations Board (ISEB) - responsible for the 11+ ISEB Pre-Test, 13+ Common Entrance exams and 13+ Common Academic Scholarship papers.
The Galore Park website lists official text books and also ISEB approved revision material.
The revision books from CGP (English, Maths and Science) are generally considered to be very useful. Furthermore, good resources are available from Oaka Books.
The BBC Bitesize website provides useful revision resources for a range of subjects (Key Stage 3 material - relevant for Common Entrance - can be found here, with GCSE material for extension work found here).